Carlene Janssen, LAc

This provider doesn't have a rating to show because they don't participate in patient satisfaction reviews.

Specialty: Acupuncture

Aurora Network provider Aurora Health Care Medical Group provider

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Aurora Integrative Medicine

2600 Kiley Way

Plymouth, WI 53073

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Office: 920-449-7290

Fax: 920-449-7291

Meet Carlene Janssen, LAc

About me

  • English



  • Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine - Pacific College of Health and Science (Degree earned:LAc)

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Information listed under the "clinical interests" columns was supplied by the physicians. It is provided to you for informational purposes only, and neither Aurora Health Care nor the Aurora Health Care facility has independently verified the information. If you wish to confirm the information contained herein, or if you have any other questions about a particular physician, please contact the physician’s office.

Unless otherwise stated, physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Aurora Health Care or the Aurora facility where the care is being provided. Neither Aurora Health Care nor the Aurora Health Care facility shall be liable for the medical care provided or decisions made by these independent physicians.

Information listed under the "clinical interests" columns was supplied by the physicians. It is provided to you for informational purposes only, and neither Aurora BayCare Medical Center nor the Aurora BayCare facility has independently verified the information. If you wish to confirm the information contained herein, or if you have any other questions about a particular physician, please contact the physician’s office.

Unless otherwise stated, physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Aurora BayCare Medical Center or the Aurora BayCare facility where the care is being provided. Neither Aurora BayCare Medical Center nor the Aurora BayCare facility shall be liable for the medical care provided or decisions made by these independent physicians.